CEA-CompTIA CONVERGENCE+(CT0-101) practice exams
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CEA-CompTIA Convergence+
CEA-CompTIA Convergence+ Exam Details
CompTIA Convergence+ certification recognizes a technician's ability to design, implement and manage both data and voice networking.
CompTIA Convergence+ is a valuable credential to enhance a career with convergence technology.
CompTIA Convergence+ tests the knowledge and skills in the area of Communications Technologies (CT), where datacomm, telephony/telecommunications, video and broadcast multimedia technologies combine into a single IP-based delivery system.
Exam Information
Number of Exam Parts : One
Number of Questions :100
Exam Format : Conventional, linear format
Exam Duration : 90 minutes with 30 extension where English is not the primary language
Minimum Passing Score: 700 on a scale of 100-900