SCJD(Sun Certified Java Developer) practice exams
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SCJD(Sun Certified Java Developer)
SCJD(Sun Certified Java Developer) Exam Details
SCJD is one of the Specialty Certification available from sun.
This certification is for developers interested in demonstrating advanced proficiency in the Java programming language using the Java SE.
Prior to attempting this certification, candidates must be certified as a Sun Certified Programmer (SCJP), any edition.
To achieve this certification, candidates must successfully complete two elements: a programming assignment and an essay exam.
1. Sun Certified Developer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition: Assignment (Step 1 of 2) (CX-310-252A)
2. Sun Certified Developer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition: Essay (Step 2 of 2) (CX-310-027)
CX-310-252A Exam Information
Nature of the Assignment :
The assignment requires to write working code for a small business system. The programs created must be restricted in capability, and much cruder in overall presentation .The candidate will be graded on correctly solving the technical requirements, not on the "polish" of the finished product.
The candidate is expected to make effective use of many of the core Java APIs, but not more of advanced APIs.
The API's that can be used are :
- Thread handling and synchronization
- Swing (and AWT to the extent necessary to support Swing)
- Standard file IO (, not java.nio)
- Socket-based network programming and serialization or Java RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation)
Scoring Criteria :
The Project will be evaluated based on following six categories
- General Considerations (Max Points that can be gained is 80)
- Documentation (Max Points that can be gained is 50)
- Object-Oriented Design (Max Points that can be gained is 50)
- GUI (Max Points that can be gained is 70)
- Locking (Max Points that can be gained is 80)
- Language Fluency (Max Points that can be gained is 70)
Duration : 12 months from Assignment download
Passing Score : 320 points out of 400 possible points
Exam type : Programming Assignment
Programming Assignment Objectives :
Write an application program using Java technology. The application requires the following:
- A graphical user interface demonstrating good principles of design
- A network connection, using a specified protocol, to connect to an information server
- A network server, which connects to a previously specified Java technology database
- A database, created by extending the functionality of a previously written piece of code, for which only limited documentation is available
CX-310-027 Exam Information
The Sun Certified Developer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition: Essay (Step 2 of 2) certification exam is for programmers who are already familiar with the basic structure and syntax of the Java programming language, and who need to further apply this knowledge to developing complex, production-level applications.
Duration : 120 mins
No of Questions : 4
Passing Score : Subject to the evaluation of the essay exam
Exam type : Essay
Essay Exam Objectives :
- List some of the major choices you must make during the implementation of the above.
- List some of the main advantages and disadvantages of each of your choices.
- Briefly justify your choices in terms of the comparison of design and implementation objectives with the advantages and disadvantages of each.